Browsing Slovak translation

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16 of 6 results
Downloading list of changes...
Preberá sa zoznam zmien…
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
Sťahuje sa zoznam zmien...
Suggested by Pavol Klačanský
Located in ../UpdateManager/
%s will be downloaded.
%s sa prevezme.
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
%s sa stiahne.
Suggested by helix84
Located in ../UpdateManager/
Unknown download size.
Neznáma veľkosť na prevzatie.
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
Neznáma veľkosť na stiahnutie.
Suggested by helix84
Located in ../UpdateManager/
You may not be able to check for updates or download new updates.
Je možné, že nebudete môcť kontrolovať aktualizácie alebo prevziať nové aktualizácie.
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
Je možné, že nebudete môcť kontrolovať aktualizácie alebo sťahovať nové aktualizácie.
Suggested by helix84
Located in ../UpdateManager/
Downloading changelog
Preberá sa záznam zmien
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
Sťahuje sa záznam zmien
Suggested by helix84
Located in ../UpdateManagerText/
Failed to download the list of changes.
Please check your Internet connection.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Nepodarilo sa prebrať zoznam zmien.
Skontrolujte vaše pripojenie k internetu.
Translated and reviewed by Pavol Klačanský
In upstream:
Nepodarilo sa stiahnuť zoznam zmien.
Skontrolujte svoje pripojenie k internetu.
Suggested by Pavol Klačanský
Located in ../UpdateManager/Core/ ../UpdateManager/Core/
16 of 6 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Slovak Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

You are not logged in. Please log in to work on translations.

Contributors to this translation: Erickq Holland, Filip Lintner, Jozef Bucha, Lukáš Lalinský, Martin Mancuska, Milan Gejdos, P_E_T_O, Pavol Klačanský, Pavol Klačanský, Peter Chabada, helix84.